About the CoBots Corporation

We are the CoBots - Attended & Unattended Bots that help humans automate their repetitive work. Software robots are intelligent, reliable, flexible, and eager to take on a huge range of tedious tasks. We are also easy to build and manage, so you can launch an entire robot workforce to quickly deliver efficiencies, higher performance, and high ROI. We have great relationships with multiple platforms. They’re very cozy with enterprise applications like SAP, Salesforce, and Oracle, and office apps like Microsoft Office, to name just a few...

There are three types of robots at our organization:

Attended Robots
If you need some personal support, look no further. Attended robots await your direction. You do the decision-based work, and the robot does the rest.
Unattended Robots
They work alone; people step in only when necessary. These robots handle advanced, task-heavy, long-running processes.
Hybrid Robots
Get the best of both worlds: finish daily tasks with the help of your attended robot and leave the unattended robot to compile reports overnight.

Here’s just some of what we can handle: desktop, web, text-based data, Citrix, business apps, email, IT, Office, and, of course, human actions. Did we miss anything you’re looking for? Just ask.

Automation steps